• YES. Plants exhibiting carnivorous phytobiology are varied, Earth-wide, and absolutely gorgeous! Most live in nutrient deficient environments, hence the adaptive trait of luring and digesting bugs and stuff, in order to become swole.

  • No. Maybe a nectar-seeking male mosquito will get trapped by a sundew. But really, mosquitoes want to eat you.

  • Some of these plants may look crazy and tropical, but Dionea, Sarracenia, and Darlingtonia are actually cold-hardy perennials that require a dormant period in order to THRIVE. Yep- I said thrive.

    Nepenthes and some Pings are actual tropicals and require their own care. They won’t be needing a dormancy, but will slow down their growth in the winter months.

    NOTE: all of this information is tailored to growing in the Pacific Northwest. :)

  • GREAT!! We recommend The Savage Garden, by Peter D’Amato. It’s THE book. Also, Sarracenia Northwest has tons of “how-to” videos on YOuTUbe.

    You should also join the International Carnivorous Plant Society!

  • So you’ve pawned your car stereo. Your electric bill is late. Girlfriend left? mmm-hmmm.

    Hooked aren’t you? Heavy as lead, kid. It’s a real slippery slope, isn’t it?

    Check out these dealers for that sweet, sweet Carnivorous Plant fix.

    The Gandalf of Sarracenia and More:


    The largest carnivorous plant nursery in America, F*ck Yeah!:


  • No. Poaching is a serious problem and has decimated endemic populations around the globe. Only buy from reputable growers, especially if you are mail ordering expensive Nepenthes.