Butterwort Pinguicula

Pinguicula! (little greasy one, in Latin). Pings can be found ALL OVER the Northern Hemisphere. As far up on this flat rock as the Arctic Circle and really exploding in variety in Mexico and lands further south. (JK about the Flat Earth thing.) Some are very short lived while others will maintain growth year-round.

Temperate Pings- Often enduring light freezes, dying back to a dormant resting bud. Outdoors in a shady bog garden.

Warm Temperate Pings- Like P. primuliflora, (pictured over there, lookin’ all sexy with the flowers) Permanently damp conditions. Shade from direct sun. Prone to rot but produce abundant plantlets from the tips of their leaves.

Tropical Pings- Good candidates for indoor growing! Likes drier conditions, especially in the winter months.